
ADDIMER 221N汽车抛光剂案例

阅读次数:1922 - 发布时间:2019/6/24 10:33:01

ADDIMER 221N汽车抛光剂案例,包括配方、生产环境与效果等。

Car polishes (paint care) without abrasive

2.0 % ADDIMER ® 221N

0.5 % soft microcrystalline wax

0.3 % Coconut fatty amine or Coconut fatty amine oleate

3.0 % Silicone oil AK 350 (Wacker) - polydimethylsiloxane

0.5 % Silicone oil L 651 (Wacker) – amino functional polydimethylsiloxane

30.0 % solvent e.g. white spirit or kerosene

63.7 % solvent cold e.g. white spirit or kerosene


Heat the ADDIMER ® 221N, Fatty amine, silicone oils and about 1/3 of the solvent to 85-90°C while stirring until everything is dissolved. Stir the concentrate into the remaining cold solvent and allow the total mixture to cool to room temperature while stirring.


Car care products should be easy to apply and spread, they should clean effectively, seal of hairline cracks due to weathering and polish up readily to a high shine. They should also form a durable, water-repellent film that protects against weathering and does not become tacky or soiled.

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下一篇:ADDIMER 221N液体的地板抛光剂案例

ADDIMER 221N液体的地板抛光剂案例,包括配方、生产环境与效果等。Liquide floor for a hard protective film and a high gloss6.0 % ADDIMER ® 221N2.5 % hard microcrystalline wax1.0 % soft microcrystalline wax3.0 % Paraffin 5


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