
Addimer 221N短时防腐案例

阅读次数:1745 - 发布时间:2019/6/24 10:19:19

Addimer 221N短时防腐案例,包括了建议的配方、生产环境与效果等。

Temporary corrosion protection

4 % ADDIMER ® 221N

4 % Paraffin 52/54

2 % Micro crystalline wax(approx. softening point 65°C. penetration number approx. 30-40)

90 % white spirit 100-140°C


Melt the waxes and one third of the white spirit up to approx. 120°C and add the rest cool solvent to the hot wax solution under fast stirring (high speed stirrer). Cool the dispersion down to temperatures under 20°C under strong stirring (Crash cooling process)


Dry films of this dispersion with a thickness of 10-15µm can protect a metal layer for more than a quarter year under free field conditions. If you use higher protection properties, you can use higher solids contends. The dry film reduce additionally the friction number of the coated metal parts.

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上一篇:Addimer 221N脱模剂案例

Addimer 221N脱模剂案例,包括了脱模剂配方、生产环境与效果。Release agent10 % ADDIMER ® 221N90 % white spiritPreparation:Melt the wax and one third of the white spirit up to approx. 120°C and add the rest cool solvent

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